An interesting article about training in Muay Thai (and Martial arts as a whole).
*for after you've read the article*
Our training also follows the rationale that pure combination methods aren't enough or legitimate on their own as methods for learning/training Muay Thai. Combinations should fit a context and train the body to be flexible in adapting to the situation. As a beginner, you often learn very simple combinations that focus on shaping your basic technique and footwork.
Often, we work combinations in class that aren't very long, but either a. work specific mechanics for techniques or b. apply a principle that you can be creative with (ie. striking high then low, or using footwork to transfer weight properly, etc...)
As students become more advanced, it becomes their responsibility to try and piece together what mechanics and principles they are working in their class. The instructors will usually if not always tell the students the focal points of the classes, but the experienced should be gaining an acuteness to detail in what may even seem to be the simplest drill or class.
On it's own, the method of memorizing or simply working multiple hit combinations can be useful, but neglects the intellect and the eyes, which we at YMT believe to be at the heart of Muay Thai and its highest levels