- Sunday, January 6, 2013
The first YMT Movie night is about starting the new year with a strong understanding of what our roles are on this earth.
Join me for the movie "I AM" by Tom Shadyac
I will be providing some healthy eats such as Kale chips, Zucchini n feta, Pita chips n humus and more.
Going forward we will be featuring fights that are relevant to your training, or new Martial Arts movies, even a few TED talks to get your mind open. We have no boundaries at YMT, nor should you.
Feel free to contribute some eats and some lively discussion after.
Love, Respect and Believe.
A $5 cover will apply.
Memberships will also be able to be upgraded to include entrance to such things like movie nights and in house events.
2013 will be amazing.
This will occur the LAST SUNDAY in each month.
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