Bootcamps on Thursdays: A great way for anyone to up their conditioning. You will find PC David with a clipboard organizing the layout of this class in his spare time...testament to his dedication in making it functional, intense and fun. The casual trainee can come and blast an hour that will push their heart rate with partner exercises, circuit cardio, TRX trainer, basic strength and high intensity bag work. Fighters and hardcore trainees will use this our as an extra work out before the regular Muay Thai mix class in order to take their endurance to the next level.
Strength: Coach Grant teaches the fundamentals of proper movement, and builds you from the ground up to be lifting the heaviest and the safest. Even more importantly, he will help you develop the best possible habits for your everyday living by promoting good posture and stability in all areas of the body. You'll be building your core and learning the answers to questions you may not even know you had. He gets you using the diverse amount of equipment is used to the max: free weights, bosu ball, TRX trainer, tires, barbell, rubber bands and more.
Learn to Run with Terry: New runners may come at 645pm on Mon and Wed to warm up and learn some helpful techniques/mechanics for running. 7pm the run starts. Terry will lead beginners through a friendly paced run around the area and provide experienced campaigners a longer route option. You'll be back in time for the mixed class at 730. If there is enough, Terry may even lead you through some skip knee sets on the bag
Clinch fundamentals: Aimed at those with limited clinch experience that are looking for a base and to develop "feel" for this close range of fighting. Position, posture and feel are the 3 components that are developed in these blocks.
Open clinch: Jump in the ring at 9 and grab a partner to clinch. We switch partners every 3 minutes with no break until 9:30 latest sharp. Unless you have knee pads or a certain level of experience, straight knees to the body are discouraged. Wear either bag gloves or bare hand. Sessions ends with a neck stretch by PC David.

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