wrote a great review of the TBA Muay Thai Classic tournament just passed this weekend.
As you know, Mike Zhang and Patrick Wallace took home the B class titles for the tournament this year.
The article has a great re cap of the entire event, shout outs to Canadian teams (including ours), and some high quality pictures featuring our team.
I'll leave you with this quote:
"Adding to the level of skill present at the tournament were our always tough neighbors to the north. Yes, Canada. Say what you want about Canada. You can say that their beer sucks, that their accents are funny, that hockey is the only sport they’re good at, or that their entire country is like a loft above a really great party. However, what you can’t say is that Canada’s Muay Thai scene takes a backseat to that of the U.S. Because honestly it doesn’t....
I may be off on my statistics here, but I think that more than half of the titles at this years TBA went to Canada. They’re that good."
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