You may remember me posting Lerdsila on this blog before. He's what I called a fun alternative to Saenchai, for those of you who enjoy watching unorthodox fighters. He's like a ghost, with the ability to slip and evade techniques with precision, and then fire back with his own.
As the blog title says, Toronto's own Matt Embree will be taking on Lerdsila in a Thailand vs the Americas event.
Like many of the other North Americans, Matt is being seen as the underdog in this fight. He, like his fellow N-Americans, will be fighting an opponent with much more experience.
However, if anyone has the style to beat Lerdsila in North America, let alone the world outside of Thailand, it's Matt. With a strong and smart style, Matt will make for an interesting match up with Lerdsila. He isn't a wild head hunter or someone to try and play too many tricks. I'll be willing to bet that his calculated style will serve him well in the bout. Matt's also no slouch on covering the MT scene. He knows the top guys in the game, and will be expecting Lerdsila's antics.
In the end, this will still be a great step up for Matt, and a very good challenge. He will be mixing it up with one of the best in the world, so fireworks will be a must. We at YMT wish him the best!
In the spirit of the event, here are two videos, so you can see both fighters in action:
Lerdsila Highlights:
Matt vs Rami Ibrahim:
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