An extensive month of knee technique is still not enough to really get it all in...we've covered mechanics, set ups, defenses using knees, defenses against knees and more...
We're happy to say that while every one has improved much since the month began, it's important to keep training what you've learned. Write each class down in a notebook for safe keeping, and you'll always have drills you can practice on your own. The next knee month that rolls around promises to help improve what we've worked on so far.
Seeing as basic clinch knees was our focus this week, we thought an old Dieselnoi video would be appropriate. Known as the Sky Piercing Knee, he shows why as he demonstrates both long and clinch knees on the pads:
aaaand before we leave knee month behind, there's one more fight to share!
Kru Kosta found this gem, where Muay Thai legend Danny Bill executes step through knees repeatedly on his opponent (Rounds 4 and 5).
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